In his remarkably frank and honest book Get Smart or Get Screwed: How to Select the Best and Get the Most from Your Financial Advisor, Paul Merriman shares the story of one adviser who decided to come clean and tell the truth about how the financial advice business really works. Here are some of the revealing things that Allan Roth had to say in his article that was published in AARP magazine earlier this year.
“We financial planners are masters at persuading ourselves that what’s in our best interest also happens to be the moral thing to do. By and large, we’re good people, which is why we can be so convincing – and so potentially dangerous to your money.”
“I spent 20 years in the business world as a corporate finance officer before becoming a personal planner more than a decade ago. I started my practice because I knew that a lot of the advice families got was mediocre or worse, and I hoped that I could help counteract that.
That’s also why I write very candidly about how this profession works, and what you should know about it before you seek advice from me or any other planner.
Sad to say, the worst cases often involve older clients. We planners target you because you have the largest nest eggs, and the more money we manage, the bigger our take. Also – and let me be frank here – you often view your money more emotionally than younger people do, because you have so much at stake. And that makes you vulnerable.
I’m a certified financial planner (CFP) and a member of the Financial Planning Association (FPA). As an organization, we want to establish planning as a true profession, one seen in the same light as medicine, the law and accounting.
But that’s not our only motivation: Planners have financial aspirations of our own. We make money by getting it from you. This isn’t evil in its own right. But it is a conflict of interest, and it pervades everything we do. We spend a great deal of effort trying to win your trust.
How we make money drives what we sell
Advisers make money in two main ways. You need to understand which method your planner has chosen, because that helps explain his or her behavior. We either get a commission to sell you a financial product, or we charge an asset-based fee – typically 1% annually of the assets you let us manage.
Commissions can range from a recurring annual fee of 1% for some kinds of mutual funds, to as high as 10% for complex products like annuities. If we sell you a $100,000 annuity with a 10 percent commission, we get a $10,000 check.
You can’t see this commission the way you can see, for example, a real estate broker’s take when you sell a home. The size of the commission is often reflected only in the penalty you pay if you try to get your money back before the insurance company has had time to recoup the commission.
Obviously, a planner who works on commission would want to sell you products that yield the highest commission – typically, load-carrying mutual funds, hedge funds, private investments and a host of insurance investments, ranging from annuities to universal life.
How sales quotas affect you
A commissioned planner at a big financial firm like Merrill Lynch, Wells Fargo Advisors or MorganStanley SmithBarney might also be under pressure to make a sales quota or to sell particular investment products the firm wants to sell, whether or not they’re the best investment for you. This is not to say that all commission-based planners are out to rip you off; they’re not.
And if you don’t have more than $100,000 or so to invest, commission-based planners may be the only ones who will take your business. But the conflict of interest is particularly stark in the commission business.
Fee-based planning
Another model is fee-based financial planning, which has been gaining ground on the commission model. In theory, charging you 1% of your assets each year aligns our interests with yours: We have no incentive to sell you a particular investment just because it brings us a higher commission than another, and if your portfolio grows, so does our fee.
But there are still conflicts. It encourages us to capture as much of your money as we can. That’s why few of us will ever tell you to pay off your mortgage: Using $100,000 to discharge a loan rather than investing it could cost us $1,000 a year in fees.
The fee model also limits where we advise you to invest, since we’ll favor putting you in products set up to pay us automatically each quarter. Few planners will tell you about, say, a higher-paying certificate of deposit at a bank, because banks don’t pay planners. You’ll have to find such investments yourself.
Some of us make money from both commissions and fees. One CFP whose work I reviewed made a huge commission when he sold his client an annuity, then charged 1.6 percent annually to “manage” it. Between the commission, planner’s fees and ongoing costs of the annuity, the client was handing over a whopping 5.29% annual fee. Still, the CFP Board did not publicly discipline the planner.
The compensation model I follow is comparatively rare: charging by the hour. I chose it because I didn’t trust myself to be nobler than my colleagues at resisting the financial incentives of the other two models. That said, the hourly model isn’t the best choice for everyone.
It’s not cheap: I charge up to $350 an hour. Other hourly planners generally charge $180 to $240 an hour.
Hourly planners aren’t immune to conflicts, either. I could rack up billable hours, for example, by telling you I have to actively manage your portfolio. Richard Salmen, past FPA national president, has other caveats. For example, he thinks the hourly model might discourage a client from seeking advice. “It would be like seeing the dentist only when you are in pain,” he says.
The FPA is “revenue neutral,” meaning it takes no position on which fee model is the best. Be aware that no model is conflict-free.
How we sell you
All planners know that the quickest way to your money is through your emotions. To get you to sign up, many follow a five-step system. We invite you to talk about your values and get you excited by discussing your goals. We might ask you to describe your “perfect day,” then help you understand the amount of money you’d need to make your future one long string of perfect days.
Finally, we’ll try to close the deal, which means you commit to hiring the planner and promise to implement the planner’s advice. “I can get you to your dreams of spending time with your grandkids if you let me handle your money now,” the planner might say. “Sign here and I’ll get to work!”
In one hour we’ll try to get you wound up enough to sign your entire nest egg over to us. We know that if you walk out of our office without signing, you may realize how manipulative the session was and never return.
But once you sign and buy some product, you may find it will take years to get your money back without penalties. So don’t even think about signing any document during your first meeting with a planner, even if he or she tells you that you can still back out.
Outright deception
And that is among the more ethical methods planners use to sign up clients. Others use outright deception: Any ad that promises wealth without risk or a high “guaranteed” return is almost certainly a scam.
Have you ever seen advertisements for a CD boasting interest rates far above what banks are offering? They are merely bait-and-switch tactics to get you into our office, where we can sell you other products.
When I complained to the Colorado Division of Insurance about such advertisements in my state, I was told that the ads didn’t violate the state’s insurance law. Be particularly cautious about promises made at a free “educational” dinner. Better yet, skip the free meal altogether; you’ll save a lot more money in the long run.
My advice
It may seem as if I’m trying to drive you away from financial planners. I’m not. Focusing on your financial goals and finding a path to realize them is a valuable, even indispensable service. Most of us do that as well as possible. But understand our limitations.”
(Allan Roth is a certified financial planner and CPA in Colorado Springs. He writes for CBS