10 Great Online Resources That Will

Raise Your Investing Game

From time to time we can all use a little help as we navigate the complexities of investing. Some of us don't want to be bothered with managing our money, and just want to hire someone else to do it for us. But who?

I'll get to that in a moment, but for now I'm addressing those of you who have the time and energy to do-it-yourself. This is a carefully vetted list of resources that you can use to raise your investing game.

They are the resources that I've been using for years, and they share some common traits - objectivity, data-focused, bias and spin free information that will help you raise your research game. 


A one-stop shop for research on stocks and ETFs. Loaded with customizable screens, watchlists, portfolios, research reports, and more.

Link #1: Why Use StockRover?

Link #2: StockRover Research Reports.


Allows users to create custom watchlists and portfolios that rank and display the best and worst stocks and ETFs in each category that the user deems important.

Choose from ready-2-go portfolios or build your own from scratch.


Hands down the best resource for evaluating Mutual Funds. They also have a solid rating system for ETFs and individual stocks. Their screening tools are among the best available.


Allows users to create or import a portfolio and find out what it actually represents in terms of asset classes, styles, risk metrics, market sectors, and more.


AAII site offers both education and investment ideas for members looking to construct and manage a stock portfolio. The site profiles more than 60 strategies grouped by investment style. 


Members can read about factors that are unique, see how a hypothetical portfolio following each approach has performed during various market environments, and access stocks filtered by each screen.


Writing staff and editorial board are among the best in the business. 


Gives investors original research, thoughtful articles, and actionable ideas. 


Bloomberg is a media company that is a provider of financial news and information, research, and financial data. Their content is considered to be among the best in the world.


Bloomberg Markets offers real-time analysis of what's driving the capital markets each day. Their daily email has links to the top stories of the day, and it's free.


Asset class return history, portfolio backtesting engine, calculates CAGR, Std Dev, Sharpe & Sortino ratios, correlations, and more.  


Enter your portfolio details into the backtester and see how it performed over time. The output includes pie charts and a detailed summary of statistical analysis.


Screeners, Maps, Portfolio tools, Insider Opinions, Futures, Forex, Crypto, Backtests


Some call this the best stock screener out there. Their tools enable users to get an overview of what is happening in the market.


ETFdb offers data, analysis, and articles related to the ETF universe. 


This is the best ETF screener out there. Their tools enable users to get an overview of what is happening in the ETF marketplace.


Their database is exhaustive and has its own unique way of illustrating key information. For example, open the ETF Country Exposure Tool (http://etfdb.com/tools), and you'll get a world map that brings up a list of ETFs and the degree of their exposure to the country clicked.


Subscribers rave about the Mutual Fund to ETF Converter. Say you're invested in the popular Fidelity Contrafund (FCNTX), but would like to trade intraday or pay less than FCNTX's 0.95% annual expense ratio. The ETF Converter displays four dozen large-cap-blend alternatives.


This ETF screener is easy to use and allows you to screen for many different criteria, such as fund attributes, return, expense ratio, Lipper rankings and net assets.


Because it is so easy to use and straight forward, it's a great place to start for beginner investors.


A global financial portal; acting as a resource for beginner and semi-professional traders and investors.  


Get access to "premium" content for free; focusing on novice investors rather than pros. 
