What happened last week. What we're watching for next week. Two bad weeks in a row. What next? There's no question that two bad weeks in a row has shaken things up. The ...
ZenInvestor NFP Blog
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What happened last week. What we're watching for next week. Two bad weeks in a row. What next? There's no question that two bad weeks in a row has shaken things up. The ...
This article, and those that follow, are excerpts from the upcoming book...The Zen Investor's Guide to Mastering the Tradecraft of Investing.IntroductionYou have probably heard the names and stories about some of the Masters ...
In this continuing series about different types of investors, and the things that get them into trouble, I introduce the Sweet Doomed Angel The Sweet Doomed Angel is an investor who is earnest, ...
Often wrong but never in doubt: Why you should be skeptical about market forecasts.I've been in this business a long time, and it never ceases to amaze me how the guru-of-the-day acts as if ...
With apologies to all you Trump supporters, the Trump Rally is over. Stick a fork in it. What makes me so sure that it's over? Because Trump has never, nor will he ever, ...
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