ZenInvestor Factor-Based Trading
A Systematic Approach to Capturing Alpha
Zen Value
Selects the most under-valued stocks that were recently upgraded by analysts.
Annual returns from 2000-2024 = 18.7%
Earnings Leverage
Selects stocks with better than expected earnings in the most recent quarter.
Annual returns from 2000-2024 = 16.5%
Smart Money
Selects stocks that are being purchased by top performing institutional investors.
Annual returns from 2000-2024 is 15.4%
High Quality
Selects stocks with the best management, earnings growth and financial condition.
Annual returns from 2000-2024 = 19.6%
Sector Rotation
Selects sectors that are primed to outperform in the current stage of the business cycle.
Annual returns from 2000-2024 is 14.9%
Factor Rotation
Selects factor ETFs that are primed to out- perform in the current market environment.
Annual returns from 2010-2024 = 14.6%