Ask anyone who follows professional golf this question: “who would you say is the best golfer in the world?” Chances are they will say Tiger Woods. Then ask them “have you ever heard of Hank Haney?” and watch their faces go blank. Well, who is Hank Haney? He’s Tiger Woods’ golf coach. That’s right, Tiger Woods. Arguably the best golfer on the planet, uses a coach. But why? What can a 50-ish former great player teach Tiger Woods about golf? It doesn’t seem to make sense. But it does.
Tiger Woods did not get to where he is today by skill alone. Skill is a critical element in golf, as it is in any professional sport. But it takes more than skill to become a world champion. Among other things, it takes mental toughness. This is where Mr. Haney comes in.
Hank Haney can do the one thing Tiger can’t. He can stand next to Tiger, watch his swing, and make an unbiased assessment about what’s going on. To put it another way, he can help Tiger get out of the inevitable slumps that affect all golfers at one time or another, even the best golfer in the world. And this ability to render an unbiased opinion is so valuable, that Tiger Woods, and most of the golfers on the PGA tour, are willing to pay top dollar for the best coaches they can find.
The Zen Investor is the financial equivalent of a golf coach. We offer free lessons to anyone who visits our web site. We also offer premium services for those who believe they can benefit from one-to-one coaching. We emphasize the basic skills of investing- the ‘blocking and tackling’ if you like. We don’t have a secret formula for beating the market. We don’t pretend to have all the answers to the mystery of the market. What we do have is thirty years of professional experience, as an interest rate arbitrageur in the 70s, a hedge fund manager in the 80s, and as the head of global equity trading for Northern Trust Company in the 90s.
Our approach to the markets, and to the economy, is simple and clear. We prefer to sidestep the noise that streams at us constantly from the cable channels, the radio talk shows, the print publications, and the salespeople who claim that they have it all figured out. We think about investing in the most fundamental way possible. Our value proposition is: based on my specific time horizon, my tolerance for risk, and my financial goals, what investment plan is best for me? There is no universal answer to this question.