Time to Take your Investment Portfolio 

to the Next Level. 

What You’ll Get From Our 

Coaching & Consulting

An easy to understand statistical analysis of your portfolio.

Find out what your downside risk is when the next bear market arrives.

Find out if your portfolio is too aggressive, or too conservative.

Spot the red flags. Make sure you aren't holding something that could blow up and take you down.

Find out whether you are diversified enough, or over-diversified. Having just the right balance is important.

T. Erik Conley

Former Head of Equity Trading at Northern Trust in Chicago. While at Northern, he developed leading-edge trading algorithms and helped his portfolio managers invest $90 billion of institutional and private client assets. 

He was directly involved in portfolio planning and design, helping the managers tailor their portfolios to fit the unique needs and objectives of each client. 

Northern Trust required a minimum of $5 million to take on a new client. As a result, this "white glove" advice was not available to everyday investors. Now that he has his own business, Erik is no longer bound by this constraint. The advice and counsel he gives to current clients is of the same high quality that was previously only available to wealthy individuals and institutions.

Erik loves what he does, and it shows in the extra effort he gives to each new client. Why not give him a try?  Personal, one-to-one coaching & consulting plans start as low as $500. Read more below.

This Coaching Package is for You if...

All you want is an expert second opinion about your current portfolio. I look for weak or problem holdings in your portfolio, as well as any mismatch between your objectives and your strategy.

You send me your portfolio and I will analyze it and render my opinion about how you can improve things.

This package gets right to the point and delivers only what you need without the fluff & filler.


  • A quick and easy statistical analysis of your portfolio.
  • Perfect for someone who just wants to make sure they aren't holding something that could blow up and drag them down.
  • Find out what your downside risk is when the next bear market arrives.
  • Find out whether you are not diversified enough, or too diversified.
  • Find out if you're holding too much cash, or not enough.

Includes one consulting sessions and a written summary report.

This Coaching Package is for You if...

You want to drill down into the way your portfolio is structured, and find out how you can improve it.

Your portfolio must be in tune with your objectives and decision style, and this package addresses those issues.

Full Audit

  • A deep dive into the details of your portfolio.
  • Perfect for someone who wants to better understand how much risk they are taking and what the potential downside can be.
  • Includes analysis of Portfolio Risk, Diversification, and Suitability
  • Find out whether you are not diversified enough, or too diversified.
  • Find out if you're holding too much cash, or not enough.

Includes two consulting sessions and a written audit report.

This Coaching Package is for You if...

You are not satisfied with the way your portfolio is performing and you want to make some significant changes. You might even want to start over from square one.

This in-depth package affords you the time and attention to go deep into the portfolio design process.

Sometimes you just have to admit that things aren't working and it's time to tear down your existing portfolio design and start fresh.

Major Overhaul

  • We salvage what's useful and rebuild on a solid foundation.
  • We keep tax consequences in mind as we go through this process.
  • And we don't stop until you have a new design that you can get behind 100%.

Includes three consulting sessions and a detailed action plan.

Why my clients love my 

Coaching & Consulting

Here are a few samples of the kind of feedback I get when I close a case.

math teacher

Julie Adams

Math teacher

I knew very little about investing, and Erik took the extra time I needed to get caught up. I highly recommend his coaching.

Allison Dumat

Allison Dumat

Dental assistant

Thanks for all your help. I really liked the way you used examples of what other people like me (just starting out) have done with their portfolios.

Shaun Parker

Network administrator

At first I didn't understand all the jargon, but as soon as you picked up on that, you shifted into a lower gear until I could get caught up. Thanks for your patience and great advice.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know which package to sign up for?

If you're not sure how much time you need to get your portfolio the way you want it, just sign up for the second opinion. If you need more time than that gives you, you can use your credit towards the next highest package.

Alternatively, you could hire me as a consultant and take as much or as little time as you need. I charge for my actual time, so there is nothing wasted.

How long does each coaching session last?

Each session lasts 60 minutes, unless you request two sessions of 30 minutes each. 

What happens if we go into overtime?

I usually have another session booked after yours, so we would have to end after the hour. In most cases we can finish the material via email, or at our next session if we have one scheduled. 

Since I charge for my time, you have the option of requesting an extra session or half session if you feel you need it.

What if something comes up and I have to cancel?

As long as you give me 24 hours notice, there is no charge for a cancellation or postponement. If you cancel less than 24 hours in advance, or simply forget about the appointment, I charge a flat $50 for lost time. 

How long have you been coaching?

A very long time. I started way back in the 1980s when I was given the responsibility for hiring and training traders for the equity desk at Kemper Securities. 

When I became a portfolio manager in the 1990s I did the same thing with new recruits, only this time the emphasis was on portfolio design.

Do you follow a script or is it free-form?

I first listen to your needs, objectives and circumstances. From there I make an outline of the topics that will help you the most. I try to stick to the outline, but there's plenty of room to veer off course if I think it will help you.
