January 20, 2019

What happened last week.

What we're watching for
next week.

The end of the correction or a bear market rally?

Several months ago I called for a correction of 12-15%. We got it. Now the question is whether this the end of the correction or just a bear market rally that will peter out quickly?

Subscribers to my Monthly Intelligence Report know the answer to this question. For the rest of you, it's a coin flip. Should you sell into this rally, or wait for another leg down to buy at cheaper prices? If you have a plan, you know what to do next. If you don't have a plan, you should get one. Seriously, dude, you should get one.

Chart 1. S&P periodic returns.

There is plenty of good news about what's happening in the market lately. The chart below shows that the 1-week, 1-month, and YTD returns are positive. Yipee! But wait a second. The 3 month and 1 year returns are still negative. Rut-Row. Is this rally just a flash in the pan, or can it turn into something greater? Time will tell.

sp500 periodic returns

Chart 2. Distance from Key Markers

The next chart reinforces what we saw previously - a market that is rallying on a short-term basis but is still under water. 

sp500 distance from key markers

Chart 3 - chart of the week

The table below shows the returns of the main investment strategies we track.  Note that there was only one strategy that had a negative return - the Smart Money Pairs. This isn't unusual for this strategy, and it often produces returns that beat the market by a wide margin.

model performance

Final Thoughts

We've had a nice rally in the market.  But I'm not yet convinced that we will make a new high before we finally succumb to the next bear market. 

I could be wrong, of course, but I follow my models and they are showing increasing risk and diminishing prospects for a new high.

For a full analysis of the probability of a bear market or a new recession, see my Monthly Intelligence Report.

As always, if you like what you see, or have suggestions for improving this recap, leave a comment below, or email me at info@zeninvestor.org

About the author 

Erik Conley

Former head of equity trading, Northern Trust Bank, Chicago. Teacher, trainer, mentor, market historian, and perpetual student of all things related to the stock market and excellence in investing.

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